
Showing posts from March, 2012
Casey Garske hung out with 3 people.Keith Hoovestol, Mike McCarthy, and Andy Garske

Just ordered a bunch of NFC tags.

Just ordered a bunch of NFC tags. Why have a NFC enabled phone if you never perform an already simple task by making it even simpler?

Virtual tabletop for Google+ Hangouts.

Virtual tabletop for Google+ Hangouts.

Because I want a Transformer Prime tablet. Duh.

Because I want a Transformer Prime tablet. Duh. Originally shared by Android Central Hey, folks! We're giving away a couple of ASUS Tranformer Primes with NVIDIA's help. Two ways to enter. One is to circle us and share this post. That simple. The other is to enter through this forum thread ( ) Entries will end at 8 a.m. PDT Monday morning. Good luck!
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.Barry Lovseth, Jon Lovseth, Mike Meho, and Andy Garske
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.Barry Lovseth, Jon Lovseth, Mike Meho, and Andy Garske
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.Barry Lovseth, Jon Lovseth, Mike Meho, and Andy Garske
Casey Garske hung out with 4 people.Barry Lovseth, Jon Lovseth, Mike Meho, and Andy Garske

Privacy and Civil Liberties in the Digital Age
Casey Garske hung out with 1 person.Jason Beighel