Tonight, my "Lethal Damage" 13th Age campaign draws to a close.

Originally shared by Jonathan Tweet

Tonight, my "Lethal Damage" 13th Age campaign draws to a close. Meanwhile, the guys are work have talked me into running a couple D&D sessions for them. That was the day 13th Age was announced, and they're happy to play 13th Age instead. That will be my "Great Center" campaign, based in the imperial capital of Axis, the center of the world. It's my opportunity to explore the setting from yet another perspective.


  1. How's your beta testing for this going Casey? I'm curious how the game has been going. Their site isn't too full of detail on the mechanics.

  2. Only two sessions. And we haven't gotten into the "indie" roleplaying aspect too much yet beyond the guys having fun coming up with their relationships to the "Icons."

    The combat is much looser than 4E. There are no movement rates, for example. Powers work mostly like 4e powers, but there are much fewer of them. And some classes don't even have powers. Like the Barbarian, he always uses his basic attack and has some class features that let him do extra stuff (and rage, obviously). The rules flat out say "have the guy who likes to drink while gaming be the barbarian." Or in our case, "have the guy who hasn't read the rules play the barbarian."

  3. Doesn't sound too bad. I had felt that 4E overdid it with the powers. They really started getting a samey feel to them after a while.

  4. I think our group, with it's focus on RP, would fit this really well. Combat is significantly faster, and building relationships with the Icons gives the players and DM huge jumping off points for the campaign.

  5. I'm guessing that Icons in the game are the important NPC's. I don't think that's a big deal for this group. The relationship building tends to focus on "When will the players get to kill the NPC?" While most of the big name NPC's have been less than friendly, let us not forget that you guys aren't shy about beating up old ladies.

    Still though, the setup does seem like it would be a better match than the D&D rules.


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