Phone bricked. Good thing the Google Nexus launches on Verizon in a few days...


  1. Samsung Galaxy S on Verizon, the Fascinate. It's hard bricked. No screen or lights at all. No combo of keys and USB gives any flicker of life.

  2. Dayum. That's pretty hard to do. Flashing a ROM caused that? It should still be able to get to the bootloader. That sucks. I'm impatiently waiting for the Galaxy Nexus also. Word on the street is Dec 8th now, but there's a lot of speculation and not much actual information. :(

  3. I was pretty upset. I managed to both root and load Froyo onto my Fascinate and root my Nook Color and get it running CM7, so I didn't think upgrading my phone to CM7 would cause such a problem.

    I signed up on the Verizon website for Nexus updates. I really hope it's the 8th.


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