Here we go Jason Beighel. We're pretty much set now.

Here we go Jason Beighel. We're pretty much set now.

Originally shared by ****

OK another pass at storing data. Will summarize everything so far.

/save maps, /save tokens, /save macros, /save tables will save a copy of the relevant information out the the Tabletop Forge server. Right now each save overwrites your previous one.

/load maps, /load tokens, /load macros, /load tables will load the copy from the server into the dataset in the Hangout. For macros and tables this replaces what is currently in the Hangout.


/localsave maps, /localsave tokens, /localsave macros, /localsave tables will prompt you for a file location to download a .json file to your desktop. Since this is coming from Tabletop Forge server and not context of the Hangout you may need to allow popups from Tabletop Forge. Feel free to rename the file whatever you want and if you are feeling brave look at how the data is structured to create your own files. Please note data format could change while in beta though.

/localload will bring up a dialog to choose the data type you want to load and a local file you want to load from. Same rules as /load above so macros and tables will be replace.

Coming soon will be a UI so you don't have to use /slash commands for all of this.

- Josh


  1. Yeah that sounds perfect! Now it'll be easy to prepare everything. Not having the stuff ready to go last night really hampered the play time glad to see that problem is done with.

    Just hope any file format changes won't wreck a save file.

  2. I'm going to try this out tonight with my first Deadlands adventure. I wonder if token aliases will carry over? Like if I take the time to change aliases and name all the NPCs, if I save them, will the hover-over names still be there when I reload them?

  3. Yes the token should have an alias of the alias field in the json file.


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