Hey, nerds.

Hey, nerds.

If you're not paying attention to 13th Age, you should be.

Originally shared by 13th Age

A lot of people are wondering how #13thAge compares with #DnDNext . Here's a roundup of blogs, forums and podcasts that will provide some insight:

13th Age posts to the Pelgrane Press blog: http://www.pelgranepress.com/?cat=248

EN World Q&A with Jonathan Tweet: http://www.enworld.org/forum/news/323300-jonathan-tweet-talks-13th-age.html ("We are not 5E. We’re a lot more like Arduin Grimoire.")

Almost Pop Culture podcast, with Round One playtest discussion: http://almostpopculture.com/almost-popcast-episode-8-13th-age-edition/

Haste podcast with Jonathan Tweet: http://blog.obsidianportal.com/haste-with-guest-host-jonathan-tweet-fancy-dice-pathfinder-online-tech-demo-kickstarter-13th-age-rpg/

Going Last podcast with Jonathan Tweet: http://goinglast.net/2012/05/session-69/

Something Awful 13th Age thread: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3473530

RPGnet "Let's Read" thread: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?624717-Let-s-read-13th-Age-Playtest-first-round


  1. From what you've been saying about D&DNext I'm thinking it's time for a new game. I've toyed with the idea of a Savage worlds fantasy setting, but I can't see it's combat working for me in such a setting.

    Regardless i've been meaning to spend more time with 13th age so all the more reason to get to that.

    I'm pretty close to saying that the Starfall Blazers group will be my last 4E game. Pretty sure it will be my last from the DM seat.


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