Just a little too late, Jason Beighel

Just a little too late, Jason Beighel

Originally shared by ****

First pass at saving some info to the Tabletop Forge server completed.

/save tables and /save macros will save a copy of your macros/tables to the server. Currently a new save will overwrite an old one until I build in saving by campaign names (and UI to show you which ones you saved them under).

/load tables and /load macros will load the files from the server. Also note this will override anything you currently have in the session.

/save maps and /save tokens works right now but the loading functions are still in development.

These will be wrapped in a UI soon so slash commands don't have to be used.


  1. Yeah, we just missed that. Oh well. I took a screenshot of the map so it shouldn't be tough to recreate. Perhaps I can jump in and save a copy of it now to prepare for next time.

  2. That's a good idea. I'm going to make a macro list for Deadlands and save it at least.

  3. And I need to make a table for fate chips as well.


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