First session of Adventurer Conqueror King tonight.

First session of Adventurer Conqueror King tonight. First random encounter was with a warband of 15 hobgoblins. They passed the PC's camp in the night while they were stopped just a few miles from the Moathouse. So of course they ambush the hobgoblins instead of letting them pass.

Result: 3 PC's rolling on the Mortal Wounds chart. The wizard lost a hand, the assassin has a limp, and the Nightblade got her face scarred. But with the gold they made, they went back to town, hired a healer, bought horses and are now pretty well equipped.

Except that in fighting the fire beetles in the courtyard the assassin went down again. This time the Mortal Wounds result was 2 lost fingers. He of course dual wields...for now.


  1. It's maybe the best $10 I've ever spent on a game. (Not including the $30 I paid to print and bind the rules).

  2. That is an extremely high bit of praise!

  3. Did you play this in hangouts or some other vtt?

  4. Tabletop Forge tonight. We use Fantasy Grounds for 4e, but it makes me tired just thinking about setting all that up now. Also, Fantasy Grounds ate my Spelljammer campaign.

    Curt Thompson, I should say the other best $10 in gaming is the Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition. Can't forget to plug that every chance I get.

  5. Yeah... I'm partial to rules lite systems for online play after creating and scripting a framework for D&D 4e in MapTool macroscript. Ugh.

  6. Loving SW. I just need to get to run it!


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