I'm in the intertubes all the time, so why did I just find out about this website a couple weeks ago?

I'm in the intertubes all the time, so why did I just find out about this website a couple weeks ago? I've been scouring the web for pre-made maps to use in Fantasy Grounds for over a year. This would have saved a lot of time. And it's perfect for Tabletop Forge of course.


  1. I have mentioned it a few times on the Tabletop Forge page =)

  2. I've tried using pyromancer's and found it very unwieldy. Especially if you're using it on a forum and the lengthy url causes all sorts of issues. Getting all the players to use an url shortener that works on urls that long as well can be a pain.

  3. Joshuha Owen that's where I saw it! 

    I've never used it on a forum, that seems complicated, but for making a quick map for a VTT, it's perfect.

  4. The reason I tried using it on a forum was for a play-by-post game where the players could move the tokens and post an updated link to the map after they were done with their turn. The idea is sound, but the implementation through pyro's is rather tedious.


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