Reaper Mousling minis I painted for my daughter to use with Song of Blades and Heroes.

Reaper Mousling minis I painted for my daughter to use with Song of Blades and Heroes.

She came up with a complex family tree for them. Her favorite is the "Mouseketeer" so I naturally made her the most powerful of them all in game terms. Beware her pink hat and mighty rapier.


  1. andrea sfiligoi These mice kick ass at your game.

  2. I always wanted to get those Reaper minis for Mouse Guard, even though Mouse Guard has no use for minis.

  3. Every game needs minis. Even the ones that don't.

    I don't know how close to Burning Wheel Mouse Guard is, but you could use minis standing on a grid to show the weapon range (if I'm remembering that right.)

  4. Ranges are really abstract in Mouse Guard. You could maybe stand them cards with scripted actions on them. Or just have them stand there looking cool and being inspiring :)


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