Tabletop Forge goes KickStarter

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Tabletop Forge goes KickStarter

Tabletop Forge is a free app that lets people play role playing games in Google+ Hangouts. You can play face to face, roll dice, load maps, draw on the screen, chat and much more.

The Forge works well now, but it could be so much better.

With the money we raise through KickStarter, we will license art, maps, tokens, adventures and campaigns from indie designers like Jonathan Roberts, Devin Night, Steve Russell and Tavis Allison to name just a few. We'll hire graphic designers to help with the interface, and we'll add all sorts of cool features like a Photoshop-style mapping tool to let you draw maps, add objects and hide unexplored regions.

Most of the money we raise will go right back into the community to support game designers, writers and artists. All of it will go into building a tool to help everyone play online.

So come join us. Toss in a few GP and help us forge something awesome.


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