For all your friends who say crap like "We need to take care of the Earth before we can worry about space.

For all your friends who say crap like "We need to take care of the Earth before we can worry about space." Curiosity cost $2.5 billion. $7.00 per American. In the works for 14 years. Cost per year per American: $0.50. Your argument that this somehow takes away from studying the earth is invalid. We are capable of doing more than one thing at a time.


  1. Saw a figure yesterday that the average annual estimated revenue loss due to organized religion's tax exempt status is in the neighborhood of $71 billion, which would fund a new Curiosity mission every two weeks indefinitely. 

    The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have cost us ~$1.3 Trillion so far, which would be 520 Curiosities, or one a week for the past 10 years.

    The most amazing thing about Curiosity is how effing cheap it was to do.


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