I just came upon this horrific scene on the way home.

I just came upon this horrific scene on the way home.


  1. Has anyone reported a doll missing? Oh, god, where's the head!?!?!?!

  2. Or maybe Doll Man and/or the Puppet Master moved into the neighborhood...

  3. Art is what I was thinking. Or prank.

  4. My part of town is less artsy, more fartsy.

    It IS art, whatever was intended. Which was probably that a kid dropped their doll and blanket, it got run over and the head went down the sewer, then someone picked them up and put them on the post, out of the way.

  5. The red blanket made me think it was supposed to look like blood, so someone left it there to upset passing motorists.

  6. Or the doll represents childhood and the blanket "blood" represents the way imagination is drained from us by corporate America.

  7. It forces you to drive by, and makes you realize that in doing so we are all complicit.

  8. In a way, I put that doll on that post.


  9. (showing picture of the doll to my wife)
    Me: "Did you see this creepiness?"
    Her: "Yeah, didn't you see it before?"
    Me: "Huzzah wuzzah?"
    Her: "It was lying in the street for days. Someone must have picked it up."
    Me: "So probably a kid dropped their doll and blanket, it got run over and the head went down the sewer, then someone picked them up and put them on the post, out of the way?"
    Her: "Yeah, something like that probably."
    Me: "Oh."

  10. Wow, dude. Your week alone must have sent you to a place.


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