So, $30 for beta rules.

So, $30 for beta rules. Even if they give you a deal on the actual release, that's crazy. And this only covers smugglers and bounty hunters and such. Rebel soldiers get their own game, and Jedi get their own game. So if you want to cover all possible rebellion era characters, buy three games. Buy three copies of the same rules with different character classes. This is worse than D&D.

Nerds, don't put up with this shit.


  1. I couldn't agree more. I won't be buying, even though I love Star Wars

  2. Yeah, I thought Saga Edition had it down. I had bajillions of WEG books too. Today I'd just use Savage Worlds. $10 and download the free Savage Star Wars fan rules. Done.

  3. Actually you don't get a deal on the actual release, unlike the last Warhammer beta. 

    The thing is, people are buying it up like mad. So I fully expect to see this become the new standard.

  4. Moe Tousignant That's even worse! I thought it was stupid that Rogue Trader, Chaos Dudes, and Cannon Fodder (or whatever the 40K games are called) all had entire games to themselves, but at least those things can't be in a party together. I've never had a game of Star Wars where there wasn't a soldier, a jedi, and a smuggler/bounty hunter. NEVER!



  5. Softcover subject-to-change rules for smugglers and bounty hunters on the Rim.

  6. Plus stickers for making your own custom dice. Or you can pay $6 for the app. (Can't believe the app isn't free at least during the beta).

    To their credit - it's a full colour complete RPG:
    "The Star Wars: Edge of the Empire beta is a fully developed and playable product, and it includes all the rules and materials players need to enjoy countless games of Edge of the Empire.

    However, it is important to note that some of the elements in this beta are not representative of the final product. The beta contains comparatively very little art, and nearly all of the background material has been removed to ensure a more concise playtest experience."

  7. beyond all that, it's only during the Rebellion era.

    that seems pretty excessive to essentially play Episode 4-6 the RPG.

  8. This is so upsetting my nerd-gland is churning out nerdrenaline.

  9. yeah Savage Worlds and Sean Fannon 's Star Wars Rules are all you need!  And you don't need the special dice or 5 dollar dice app.

  10. this thread has me totally craving a West End Star Wars campaign

  11. We're you with Matt when he bought this at Gencon?

  12. Matt bought it? I had no idea. I probably would have too, but then I'd be pissed about not having jedi.

  13. Stuart Robertson 

    I think they have me blocked. Based on the fact that I cannot see comments anywhere.

  14. I bought it just after you and Steve left.  It caught me off guard (hadn't heard a thing about it before I saw it on the shelf), and it had shiny stickers to make my dice into Star Wars dice.  Plus I had $30 in my pocket.

    I read through a few chapters at the airport, and I'll stick with my Saga Edition.  If I was reading about it online or at a store before buying it, I'm sure I would have skipped it - but you always have to buy at least one game at Gen Con that you'll never play.

  15. I bought Aces and Eights on a whim at GenCon years ago because it had a shiny transparency that you laid on the shillouette of a cowboy. After reading the rules I wanted to burn it.

  16. Casey Garske 

    I would love to hear any criticism you might have, since I am writing a Western game right now myself. It would be useful to see where others have stumbled

  17. Greg Christopher Time was measured in increments of 1 second or something like that. Each action took a certain number of seconds to perform. Like drawing your gun and such.

    I've heard people defend it, but I turn a deaf ear. Even my love of simulation has it's limits.

  18. that sounds like the system in Boot Hill as well. Definitely too number crunchy for me.

  19. If I was writing a new Western game, I'd take a look at the vitality/wound system from the Star Wars d20 (not Saga edition) rules.  Much better for gunfighting than regular old hit points.

  20. I actually have already implemented vitality and wounds to represent the difference between gunshots and getting beat up. ;)

    Great minds think alike!

    much fewer wound points though. If you get shot in this game, it is serious business.

  21. I'm pretty sure the seconds to do things is the same way the new Dungeon Crawl Classics does things and I've seen a lot of people praise that system.  Personally I own A&8 but haven't even broken the shrink wrap yet.


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