I love superheroes.

Originally shared by Jeremy Kostiew

I love superheroes. I just hate the comic continuities they inhabit. Sure, there are some lovely stories buried in the deep, dark depths of these walking-talking franchises, but those tales are truffle salted french fries in the rancid compost heap of comic book longevity.

But I will always love heroes trapped in the unending, Twilight Zone-like circus they're forced to regularly perform in. Ghost Rider the Lion Tamer, the X-men Clowns, Beta Ray Bill the Handsomest Alien Cyborg In The World.

This is part of why I adore http://www.tencentticker.com/projectrooftop/

It's one of my favorite places to see other people's love for comic book heroes, sometimes in ways way more intense than the original creators and artists have ever done. Heroes I've had no interest in are suddenly sporting some of my favorite designs. Stories I'd never had any interest in are revised in ways that leave me longing for more.

It's a great place to explore four-color heroism, and satisfies most of my need to actually explore cape comics again.  


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