Ryan Northcott reminded me of HoL which in turn reminded me of the pamphlet game that came stapled to the inside of...

Ryan Northcott reminded me of HoL which in turn reminded me of the pamphlet game that came stapled to the inside of the book, Freebase.
What's your alignment?
LG [Liberal Granola]:
Knows that mass social protest is the only way to defeat THE MAN.

LN [Liberal Noncommittal]:
Buys bumper-stickers against THE MAN on occasion, and would like to rise up against his oppressors and end this cruel reign of tyranny, but prefers Dead shows.

LE [Liberal Establishment]:
Sells bumper-sticks against THE MAN and T-shirts for Dead shows; pretending to be part of the movement for social change, yet profiteering off his fellow brothers and sisters, finally  becoming part of the System that has forced our children to go  to die in 'Nam. 

NG [Noncommittal Granola]:
Bought a couple of shirts, thinking this helps, but only  practices Iron Butterfly riffs in the garage while the gears of  government run by fascist weapon industries crush his remaining  freedom. 

TN [True Noncommittal]: 
Is happy to live in whatever Orwellian hell is presented to him, unknowingly disposing of his own, and hence others, right of  choice. 

NE [Noncommittal Establishment]:
Buys into the propaganda machine of his mom's Rosie the Riveter days, and does not question the Draft, though it will mean his end. 

CG [Conservative Granola]:
Blindly puts faith in other's power to change the world he is increasingly shackled by. 

CN [Conservative Noncommittal]:
Voted for Tricky Dick because he liked his speaking voice. 

CE [Conservative Establishment]:

The main problem with most live RPGs, is that standard play does not allow for a "game master" to be present for every ruling, leaving the actions to be settled between the competing players.  

This can sometimes lead to disagreements between them, slowing the game down. But with the advanced technique of FREEBASE, confrontations are handled in a faster, more physical way. 

You may perform combat as you would anything else in FB, but always remember to give your opponent his fair strike. In case he has forgotten, simply call you "your turn" after your action. Continue combat until either competitor is knocked out, or leaves the game. 


As realistic atmosphere is paramount, you will be noticeably impeded by connecting hits, and unlike other RPGs, wounds do not heal without treatment. This may be disconcerting, but if quick action is taken, you may avoid leaving the game. High level Magicusers and Clerics can also cast healing spells, or ones that at least take the edge off.  


If your Persona becomes damaged enough, and magical treatment is not possible, you will be ejected from play. There will be a short pause, and a period of disorientation. At that point you will be given the option to leave, or continue from a previous Saved point in the game. If an Operator is not immediately available, wait a few moments, and one will be with you shortly. 


  1. I do too. Somewhere...

    The illustrations are the bomb. Wish they were in the link.

  2. Noncommittal Granola is my exact alignment.

  3. I'm chaotic stoopid.

    I know it's not there, but in a different line I just made up.


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