My daughter's first stop motion movie. I held the camera, she did everything else. Aardman, watch out.

My daughter's first stop motion movie. I held the camera, she did everything else. Aardman, watch out.


  1. What, you don't see the subtext? I thought it was obvious.

  2. An  uplifting story about Wonder Woman resolving a street altercation.

  3. Actually, the story was the lego dude robbing Wonder Woman and Robin and the Power Girls (the Lego Friends in their post-apocalyptic hot rod and cop car) stopping the bad guy and taking him to jail. Wonder Woman and Robin get their jewels back.

  4. Oscar demonstrates the apathy of the common man by embodying the bystander effect.  Right, Matthew Goodman ? =)

  5. Yeah, this was just a Lego thing at first, but then she wanted a background, so her little brothers Sesame Street and Batman Little People sets were called into service. Then she decided to use Wonder Woman and Robin too.

  6. This is awesome! Son unit and I just watched. :-)

    How did you stitch the images together to make the video?

  7. I used this app:
    I just ordered the kid a mini phone tripod thingy so she can do this by herself and save my arms from having to keep as still as possible for a half hour.


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