The Versa was a champ and I got to work anyway. As I was pulling into the parking lot there was a flash and then a huge peal of thunder. In a snowstorm. Crazy!


  1. I was surprised at how long it took me to get to work. It was like an hour, which is double normal, but not as bad as I feared.

  2. I had to get off of 494 and take the back roads. It was a good decision as they were all empty.

  3. Yeah I think a lot of people said "fuck it" today.

  4. It only took me about 10 extra minutes since my commute is mostly off the highway anyway. But it didn't look like there'd been any plowing. I was worried I would stop at an intersection and then not be able to get going again.

  5. Why does Google+ show me posts from back in January??

  6. I feel like I time traveled back to January...


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