Another XCOM post

Another XCOM post

I started an Ironman campaign on regular difficulty after beating save-scumming Classic.

First mission: two of the soldiers are British and named Davies. Ben and Gregory. I decide they are brothers. So of course Ben hid behind a car that exploded (I didn't notice that my grenade the round before had started it on fire.) He was down but not dead if I could end the mission before he died. So Greg rushed up to flank the last sectoid, hoping to end the mission quickly, and taking cover behind another car. Which promptly exploded. It had been damaged from the other explosion and I didn't notice. 

Luckily, another soldier finished off the sectoids and Ben was saved, but gravely wounded for 14 days. I imagine him coming out of his coma and asking where Greg is.

He's going on every mission he can. He wants revenge!


  1. damn I miss xcom.
    I cleverly bought a mac to stop me playing games. Now I just play games on my phone.

  2. I'm pretty sure there's a Mac AND and Ipad version coming out...

  3. OH NO
    There goes the fellowship.

  4. He'll probably be dead on his next mission. I may not be very good at this Ironman thing.

  5. oh thank god. The Mac version is $50. I am saved.

  6. I should start another thread about my uber-cheating in the original XCOM.


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