Tempting, but I am not confident in my utilitarian laptop's gaming potential.

Tempting, but I am not confident in my utilitarian laptop's gaming potential. On the other hand, WARMACHINE TURN BASED STRATEGY.


  1. Oh dang. I have been wanting this sort of thing for like forever.

  2. Things that are making me think "Nope.": $5 extra to get a digital copy of the game's MANUAL. "Extreme" units for high level backers (which means anyone who doesn't pay that will ALWAYS be disadvantaged in multiplayer).

    While I love the concept, elements of the Kickstarter are making me VERY reluctant to let them have my money. Even though it would be cheaper, and I have greater confidence in its release, than the other video game I've backed.

  3. Yeah, I haven't backed any video games. I'm not excited about waiting over a year for release.

  4. Oh man I want this so badly, but I will not support "Pay to Win" tactics.

  5. Dang. I hadn't noticed the pay to win bit. That does make me much less excited - but if the single player campaign is robust, then it might still be worth it.

    But pay to win is icky. CONFLICT.

  6. Theres way too many unknowns for a video game. Once its out and i can see actual screenshots and gameplay demos, then i would buy. So remind me to check this out next year :-)

  7. In the tabletop game "extreme" models have the same stats as their normal versions. They only look different.

    I expect this to be the same in the video game.

  8. If that's the case, then they need to state it. As it stands, last I saw, there was no mention of the "extreme" units being mechanically equivalent, which leads to people drawing their own conclusions.

    They're doing a lot wrong here...

  9. They're clearly targeting the Kickstarter at people who already play the tabletop game. I am not one of those people.


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