They do in my Deadlands games.

They do in my Deadlands games.
h/t George E. Williams IV
Originally shared by Scott Lewis
⇪ Stand up for Science! ⇪
As many are aware, the Texas Board of Education has an enormous hand in what information is conveyed in American textbooks. With an established history of injecting pseudo-science and false controversies into text books, there has been a lot of scrutiny and outcry about ensuring the most accurate information is being delivered to the students.
Curriculum shouldn't be about someone's "version" of the truth, or informed by someone's belief in what scientific data and evidence provide. Though past attempts to inject ideas such as "Intelligent Design" and to "Teach The Controversy" have been shot down in both the legislative and judicial branches of the United States government, a lot of the verbiage is found sneaking its way into text books.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a group called "Texas Freedom Network", which is a group of religious and community leaders within the state, have joined together to ensure that the most accurate science is being taught in our classrooms. Their Standing Up For Science campaign attacks phony claims of weakness in evolutionary theory, as well as shedding light on the misrepresentation and false logic being used in "Young Earth Creationism".
Other issues that Texas Freedom Network announce advocacy for are: Restoring Responsible Sex Education & Access to Contraception, Defending Civil Liberties (especially for gay and lesbian Texans), as well as Protecting Religious Freedoms-- working to ensure that no single faith is promoted over others.
If you'd like to sign the petition and show your support for their "Standing Up for Science" initiative, follow the link here:
#StandUpForScience #ScienceEveryday #Education #Evolution #StandUp4Science #Texas #TextBooks #science2dot0 #Transparency #RealScience
Big Tex ON a T Rex!