Coop back at his Thomas train table after being away from home for almost two weeks.

Coop back at his Thomas train table after being away from home for almost two weeks. Most of what I hear is "James crash! Thomas crash! Oh, no! Clarabel and Annie! Gordon crash! Ooo ooo big crash!"

And all I can think about is this:


  1. When Coop became obsessed with trains, we scoured Craigslist until we found a good deal. I'm sure we'll pass it on to another little train fan in a few years.

  2. Ours was my nephews that spent the last 6 years in NY and made the trip back this summer. At 15 months old I set up the trains and Luke tears them apart.

  3. If Coop breaks a piece of track, he carries it over to me for me to fix.


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