It's a movie night. I watched Deathstalker too.

It's a movie night. I watched Deathstalker too. 

What a douche.


  1. I had to watch it after everyone kept talking about it.

  2. Waitaminute... they made FOUR of these?

  3. Best part: The blonde warrior chick says to the princess (who's really the transmogrified henchman), "Let's get some some clothes on you," and wraps her in her cloak, revealing she's topless underneath.

  4. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to stay strong and not watch it this week. I am going to throw myself under the bus for Solomon Kane, however.

  5. It's also really hard to find a still without boobs in it.

  6. I was trying Conan again. Goddammit! I can't even make it to Momoa. This time I got to pre-teen Conan killing the Last of the Mohicans and shut it off.

  7. Holy crap, how did I forget that Lana Clarkson was the woman murdered by Phil Spector? Now I'm sad.

  8. So strange I watched this tonight also.


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