Did the Nexus 5 get released?

Did the Nexus 5 get released?


  1. My stream is nothing but dozens of Nexus 5 and KitKat posts.

  2. Now the question is whether there will still be any of them left to buy when I get around to acquiring one 2 weeks from now.

  3. James Olchak that's generally the way I feel when some popular Kickstarter goes live or is getting ready to close.

    My phone post will come in January probably.

  4. It's a barrage of noise.  It's not like every post has insight to the subject, like "Here are the pros and cons regarding this new piece of technology:..."

    It's just "I'm SO EXCITED about TECHNOSKUB Y! It's SO MUCH NEWER than than TECHNOSKUB X" So what?

    One guy's asking people to vote on which color of phone he gets, for fuck's sake.

    Fucking vapid, man.

  5. I was too busy looking at Halloween themed cute animal photos and talking about Canadian potato chips to notice!


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