Holy crap, VHS 2 was excellent all around, but Slumber Party Alien Abduction was fucking fantastic.

Holy crap, VHS 2 was excellent all around, but Slumber Party Alien Abduction was fucking fantastic.


  1. How could a flick titled "Slumber Party Alien Abduction" not be fantastic?

  2. I just looked it up, and that short was directed by the guy that did Hobo With a Shotgun. I'll have to watch that now.

  3. And his next movie is apparently going to be Blatant Violence High. 


  4. Ah...it's a short in the film VHS2, not a stand alone film on it's own.  I get it now.  A bit slow this morning.  So VHS2 is good, is VHS 1good also?

  5. VHS is pretty good, worth a watch, but not outstanding. The first story after the frame is established is by far the best. It's really good. The rest are okay.

    VHS 2 is a huge improvement. All the stories are entertaining, well done, and well acted. I like the alien one the best, but the cult and zombie shorts are top-notch as well. The framing story and first story are the weak links, but only in comparison to the rest.

  6. I wish the VHS franchise would either abandon their bookending or actually do something with it.  As it is, it's just lame.

  7. They are the weakest link. A creepy hand just putting tapes into the bank of TVs and VCRs would be more effective.


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