D&D anniversary sale for Song of Blades and Heroes. You should have these great minis rules of you don't.

D&D anniversary sale for Song of Blades and Heroes. You should have these great minis rules of you don't.

Originally shared by andrea sfiligoi

Happy 40th birthday to Dungeons and Dragons! To celebrate the game that was my gateway into gaming 33 years ago, for 24 hours all MY products on www.ganeshagames.net (digital and paperbacks, if available, but not OGAM or any other game not produced by Ganesha Games) are 30% off. (The discount does not apply to shipping costs or VAT, where applicable).
HOW DOES IT WORK?  Just buy at full price and I will refund the difference via paypal within 24 hours. In addition, any paperback purchase of any Tales of Blades and Heroes paperback book gets a free PDF copy of Talespinner 1.


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