Hmmm...stats apparent in this gif:

Hmmm...stats apparent in this gif:
Dex: 18
Cha: 18

Originally shared by Craig Fifield

Muhammad Ali Dodges 21 Punches in 10 Seconds
...and does a cute little dance LIKE A BOSS.

#boxing   #gifoftheday   #gif   #animatedgif  


  1. But that night, when he entered the ring, there was the sudden realization that the ephemeral-seeming young man was more substantial than anyone had appreciated. He loomed over Liston, 6-foot-3 and 210 pounds of shining force and presence. “There was that magic moment before the fight when they stood in the ring, and there was the realization that Clay was bigger,” recalls Lipsyte. “That broke all the preconceptions.”

    Seven rounds later, Liston sat in his corner, cut, bleeding, refusing to come out, and Clay, the new heavyweight champion of the world, screamed at the writers, “Eat your words!”
    Lipsyte began typing. This is what he wrote: “Incredibly, the loud-mouthed bragging, insulting youngster had been telling the truth all along.”

  2. This gif is not from that fight, but I think they complement each other.


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