I've had the flu all week, but I'm at about 85% healthy today, so I'm having my first cup of coffee since Saturday.

I've had the flu all week, but I'm at about 85% healthy today, so I'm having my first cup of coffee since Saturday.


  1. No coffee in a week? That does sound rough.

  2. Now all you need is a big table covered in donuts.

  3. I've started re-watching Twin Peaks on Netflix.  Hubster asked if it was always as weird as the first episode.  "It gets weirder" I said gleefully.  "You're weirder." he said.

  4. I need to rewatch. I was pretty obsessed with it when it was originally on.

  5. I watched the first few episodes a few months back. My wife teased me because she claimed it was a girly show.

  6. I really don't understand this "can't drink coffee while sick" barbarism.

  7. I've got this thing where I think caffeine and sore throats don't mix. I switch to gross tea that actually seems to sooth a sore throat.

  8. Casey Garske Did you see that honey lemon "tea" blurb I posted?  (Quick summary:  put lemon slices in a jar with ginger and honey and refrigerate into a jelly, then spoon into a mug and melt with boiling water for a soothing drink).


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