#yojoeday again! This one is firmly in the "only pre-9/11" category.

#yojoeday  again! This one is firmly in the "only pre-9/11" category.

Special Missions 9
We start with the Joes and a CIA dude trading Stinger missiles to mujahideen for Russian Spetznaz prisoners. The Joes disguise themselves as Russians, and pretend to free the Soviets. Maintaining the fiction, they send the Spetznaz on a suicide mission to kidnap an American CIA agent being held in Iran. The Joes can't do it themselves, so they are tricking the russians into doing it. In the end, the russian soldiers figure it out, and turn the tables on the Joes. But everyone gets what they want.

But the story isn't the most interesting thing about this issue. It touches on several of Larry Hama's favorite themes:
-"Uncle Sugar" buying loyalty from whoever is convenient.
-A lovingly detailed description of the starting procedure for the Ju52, which shows Hama's love of hardware and his research for accuracy.
-Soldiers with compassion for their fellow soldiers. The Joes hope the Spetznaz guys get away and bear no ill will. They're all just doing their jobs.
-And he showcases an oppressed minority. In this case Iranian Zoroastrians, who the Spetznaz use as a distraction to get away.

Bad Guys: Russians, Iranians, the Afghani Mujahideen are good guys.
Running Dog insult: Pretty much. 
Cool toy(s): WWII era German Ju52.
Bad-Ass Non-Joe: Russian Spetsnaz. They are badasses.
Weird stuff: The Taliban being our friends, in hindsight.

Rating: 5 Yo Joes. 


  1. Why are my pictures so tiny? Damn it.

  2. They don't look tiny if you click through to the album to scroll through 'em.

  3. They embiggened themselves. Just took a few minutes.


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