Are there better cults than snake cults?

Are there better cults than snake cults?

Mmm...can't think of any.


  1. True!

    For me it's that it's obvious why you would want to worship snakes. They're cool looking, they have big cool fangs, they're scaly with neat patterns, some have rattles and cobra hoods are the shit.

    But frogs? It's like, "who the Hel wants to worship a frog?" and it makes them even more weird and mysterious.

  2. Chupacabra cults are clearly the best

  3. I like frog gods. Big, fat, seemingly lazy, but worshippers are suddenly swallowed whole for no reason.

  4. Come on, Stephen King. Chupacabras don't exist.

  5. I am considering starting a death cult. We won't actually kill anyone, but we will stand as advocates for euthanasia, capital punishment, etc. Of course, we'll still wear black robes.

  6. Centipede cults. Snakes are pretty - centipedes aren't.

  7. Plus, with centipede cults, you always know something is afoot!

  8. Is there wine?  I can get behind cults with wine.

  9. Why can't we ever have cults of butterflies or fluffy bunnies?

  10. Mothra is almost a butterfly and has worshippers.

  11. Crocodiles are good. Cold blooded things in general are the best. Birds are cool too. They hung onto their dinosaur eyes.

  12. I was thinking Platypus Cult, but I'm pretty sure that would just be Tzimisce Cult

  13. Platypus is a brutal animal. Poison spurs.

  14. Are we talking about cults of snake worshippers or cults comrprised of snake-people worshipping dark powers?

    Because I totally thought of Raymond E. Feist novels (which are apparently based on a home D&D game, apocryphally) that I read years ago.

  15. I think we need cults of snake-people worshipping divine snakes. They could tie snake-people up on sacrificial altars and hold a divine snake in hand, driving it down into the sacrifice so the divine snake bites the heart out. Much better than a ritual knife. And the divine snake totally gets to constrict around the sacrificer's throat, because DUH.

  16. We need a good guy snake religion.

  17. I like squid cults. Good guy squid cults. Ineffectual tea-and-crumpets church-newsletter-producing squid cults.

    ... and I like to pair them off against bad guy sun cults.

  18. Is it still an evil cult if they don't do anything terrible?  What if they just talk about the hungering blackness and preach the end of days, but all they do at their rituals is burn each other with cursed hellbrands and eat really shitty potluck food.

  19. All you nonbelievers don't deserve to be burned with the cursed hellbrands.

  20. So, Arnold K. you are talking about playing a session of RPGs Jack Chick-style, right? That's kinda what it sounds like.


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