Lots of people sharing this this morning. I'm going to as well as a reminder to myself.

Lots of people sharing this this morning. I'm going to as well as a reminder to myself. 

One thing I'll add is Patrick Wetmore's house rule on replacement characters. New characters start at one level below the deepest dungeon level reached. So if you die on the 4th level of the dungeon, your new character is 3rd level. This is a non-railroady way of keeping the focus on the megadungeon. The party can go off and do whatever, but as insurance they might want to press on and open up that next dungeon level.

And before the rules lawyers ask, no you can't start a new character at a higher level than your old one was. The best you can do is come back at the same level you were before.

Originally shared by John Arendt

I've been meaning to do this for a while - put together a list of principles that define my approach to building out megadungeons.  I've been running this style of game for a few years now.


  1. Always viable no matter what level you are.

  2. That doesn't mean that Casey Garske won't goad you into making poor choices.  He's that kind of DM.


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