OSR thoughts about Riders of the Purple Lotus

OSR thoughts about Riders of the Purple Lotus
I’ve drawn a lot of pictures now, I think it’s time to do some more rules-type thinking.

I’ve decided there will be just one saving throw that is modified by whatever stat bonus seems applicable. Str for grabbing onto a ledge, Con for poison, Wis for mind control, Dex to avoid a pit, etc. I’m trying to decide if a first level character’s save target # should start at 15 or 16.

I’ve got one character class (sort of). I’ve got the hit die at a d6 right now, but I wonder if that should be a d8. I’ve got pistol damage at d8. Just feels like there should be some parity between the most common weapon damage and HD.

Level/HD is such a useful number. Level is your attack and save bonus. Same for monsters and their HD.

Defense (not AC, since cowboys don’t wear armor unless it’s a stove plate) starts at 14 (ascending) to get around the no-armor thing. Modified by special abilities, Dex, and at higher levels possibly artifacts the character has discovered.

Thinking out loud, ideas welcome.


  1. You could change def to CE= combat efficiency or experience so that it can be moddied by  situations  or raised due to level. I like the one save role maybe call it luck, bills more lucky than most when it comes to getting out the way of things and not so lucky when it comes to dealing with people.

  2. you could have  level s like city slicker, green horn, trail boss, old hand and legendary  1-5


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