Today I learned that male elephant seals can bite each other so viciously that they’ve evolved a “chest shield” of...

Today I learned that male elephant seals can bite each other so viciously that they’ve evolved a “chest shield” of hardened skin to protect themselves.

So here’s a real case of an animal who’s AC differs depending on where you attack it.

#andnowyouknow   #rollforinitiative   #horrifyingnature


  1. so what if i make myself a set of leather armor using only chest skin?

  2. I dunno, first you gotta kill the thing and I'd give it like 10 HD.

  3. That sounds like a World of Warcraft quest. "Kill 10 elephant seals..."

  4. In Skyrim the quest would be "collect 10 hardened leathers" but the seals would only drop leather half the time and then only half the time would it be "hardened" instead of after killing 40+ seals and depopulating the entire region of all of its seals to make 1 suit of armor you'd realize "damn, I'm a dick..."

  5. Ralph Mazza that's why I couldn't bring myself to finish that bear hunting quest.

  6. It's okay, they respawn after an hour.


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