Basilisk, Roko's

Basilisk, Roko's
Frequency: Varies
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: -1,000,000
Move: Anywhere
Hit Dice: Special; 400 HP, see special defenses
% in Lair: 100% if not at work
No. attacks: as many as needed
Damage per Attack: pick up some dice, drop them, bug your eyes out, and say, "whoa!"
Special Attacks: see below
Special Defenses: see below
Magic Resistance: 100%
Intelligence: Average. At best.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium, switched to diet coke.

Roko's Basilisk is a powerful, shape-shifting creature who takes his frustrations out on adventurers who have aroused its wrath. This can be done by rules-lawyering, leaving the rails, or by not providing it enough food.

The frequency of the Basilisk depends on what food it has been provided: None-common, bag of Doritos-rare, large pepperoni-very rare.

Special Attacks: Shapechanging-Sometimes appearing as a bolt of blue lightning, sometimes as falling rocks, and sometimes as a trap with no saving throw.

Special Defenses: whenever hit point drop to double digits, a "1" is placed in front of the remaining hp total.

#rollforinitiative   #sorryyoulose   #itgoesfirst


  1. thank you for this. But I do think the very concept of this creature should cause maddening despair in anyone with a high Int and low Wis.


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