Blood Bowl Chaos Edition Update

Blood Bowl Chaos Edition Update
My third tournament is going better. I’ve won my first two games against some holy-rolling humans and an ogre team. I managed to put most of the humans out of commission during the game. They were rolling really bad on their armor saves. The highlight was my thrower actually completing a pass and the blitzer catching it and running in for a TD. Unbelievable.

I had no idea what to expect against ogres. I decided to just work around them since they’re too strong to try to block. Instead I ran around crushing their snotlings. By the end of the game they didn’t have any left. And since the ogres are slow and stupid, they left huge amounts of the field open to run through. I would have scored a second time on the last turn, but my lineman tripped in the end zone. The ogres did kill one of my black orcs though. Luckily, he was still level 1, and not my cool level 3 dude.

I’m also figuring out what skills are cool. Block, Pro, and Tackle are top of the list for my team.


  1. Ogres are a pretty bad team. They used to be a bit more playable back when they had Goblins as their linemen, not Snotlings. I know they're a joke team, but they really need to be upped SOMEWHAT. Someone suggested making Titchy ignore Tackle, which would be a good change.

    Block is easily the best skill and it's probably the first pick for 90% of players. Tackle you don't want TOO much of. You need some, but you don't need it on every player. Pro is... good, but it's sometimes hard to choose who you want it on, because it's not a guaranteed reroll and I wouldn't use it over a TRR in life or death situations.

  2. Black Orcs you want Block and Mighty Blow on, in that order. Sometimes if I have two with Block first I'll go with Mighty Blow on the third. Mighty Blow does help them skill up faster, but it's safer to go with Block first.

  3. Actually that's a lie. Sometimes I go Block/Mighty Blow/Guard or Block/Guard/Mighty Blow (they usually don't make it to the third level).

  4. That's a good idea. I hadn't thought about ways to get points faster.

  5. Build one Blitzer into a killer with Mighty Blow, Tackle, and Piling On, then one of them should be a supporter with Guard and Tackle.

  6. BASICALLY what I'm saying is assuming you roll non-doubles go for Block 90% of the time on a BO, and then choose between MB and Guard. Mix and match.

  7. I love it most of all because it's turn-based strategy. But not super-tense like X-COM.

  8. It's turn based, it's stupid, and it offers really different tactics with only slight changes to the stats of the game pieces. Just golden.

  9. I'm really feeling the need for a minis version of my team. Not that I have time to paint let alone find an in-person game.

    Calib Kerensky if you move to the Cities, this should be our in-person game.

  10. I had my dark elves team as miniatures first, in fact I won the first and only tournament I ever attended. Now I'm playing them in the PC game, tough job.

  11. Mighty Blow is an amazing skill, seriously

  12. I certainly didn't like it when the ogres were smashing my players with it.

    How do people feel about taking the Strength and Armor upgrades if the level up roll allows?

  13. Strength, almost always. Armor, never.

  14. Always take armor and agility, armor pretty much never.  Movement really depends on the player, its not gonna do much good on a MA4 guy, but MA6 and above is worth considering.  For your orcs you might want to consider mighty blow as another skill, makes it easier to hurt your opponent.  Block, Dodge, Tackle and Guard are always quality skills.

  15. On a big guy you may want block over strength on doubles.

  16. ^ yeah, that's the only time I won't take strength

  17. A lot of how you build your players depends on if you get +Str, Agi skill ups, or roll doubles for a ability you normally cant use.  Lets say you have a orc blitzer that gets might be tempted to get mighty blow cuz its fun, but consider dodge (useful in offence and defense), catch (if you are building a thrower that has strong arm and accurate), or even sure hands for a extra ball carrier in case your thrower gets hurt early.  Understanding what skills are useful for a well rounded team is just as important as learning "tackle zones" and "assists".


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