Hey, those that use Blogger: what do you think of the G+ integration?

Hey, those that use Blogger: what do you think of the G+ integration?

Yay or nay?


  1. It's fine to use. I don't integrate G+ to comments, because it keeps people without accounts from commenting

  2. I don't use it for comments because there are still a lot of people who don't have Google+ accounts. I do like being able to share my posts on Google+ though as it allows me to share my work in an easier fashion than if I just posted and hoped.

  3. I'm with Mateo (even though I don't use Blogger and I do use G+). Using G+ commenting (a) puts a barrier up for people to comment on your posts and (b) is often annoying to those people when their comments enter their g+ stream if they forget to uncheck the box under the comment to make it public to your stream.

  4. Using chrome; I find that auto sharing my posts doesn't really work so I end up having to manually. Might be my extensions though.

  5. Huh, I made the switch to blogger (from Wordpress) especially for Google+ comments, because I liked the idea of consolidating my RPG interactions online. I didn't think about people without G+ accounts not being able to comment.


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