Well, I gave in. Project Blood Bowl commenced.

Well, I gave in. Project Blood Bowl commenced. 
Rule book printed.
Amazons ordered for Abby:
She wants to start painting minis. She's 10, I think that's a good age.
Orcs ordered for me:
I also ordered some dice. Need to figure out a passing template and if I want to order a ready-made pitch, or make one myself.


  1. I resisted for...15 years? But the PC game is making me give in. All the 3rd party minis and DIY stuff is pretty rad.

  2. Parent question: What are your thoughts on sharing dice with the kids?  I don't know why since I have a million, but I feel like they aren't for sharing.

  3. Buy them their own dice. Abby has a jar full.

  4. I asked my daughters around the dinner table the other night who wanted to become a DM.  My wife used her brainwashing skills and the fact that she sees them 8-10 hours per day more than me to turn them against me.  I figure I'll give it time and I'll get at least one of them.

  5. how did this go? just bought BB for Steam, going to get into a league with some of my friends scattered across the planet.


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