Football talk at work lunch veering into danger zone...

Football talk at work lunch veering into danger zone...


  1. All of it, Misha B. All the dangers. The robot is flailing his arms.

  2. Baltimore has a Jersey trade in today and tomorrow at the stadium where you can trade your Rice jersey for someone else. One of the guys said the line was crazy long.

  3. The thought of Casey being forced to endure Football talk is funny.

  4. Football itself I can handle.The QB is a wizard, the running back is a thief, the tackles are fighters, etc.

    When people start talking about what is or isn't child abuse though...I wanted to curl up under the table.

  5. But oh yes, Ray Rice was discussed as well.

  6. Yeah as much as I love football I've avoided talking about it with people because I'm afraid of finding out they have terrible opinions on it.

  7. Casey Garske I am surprised that there is a debate.... In Minnesota too

  8. No debate. Just uncomfortable conversation.

  9. So you weren't talking football, you were talking NFL.


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