Found at Target : Razhanmol the Unholy

Found at Target : Razhanmol the Unholy



  1. Ages 3+. I'm getting him for Coop.

  2. Those Terra figures are pretty solid.  I was looking at some the other day.

  3. The only other ones they had were the goblins/orcs. That was called "Ruins of Scaryname" something something. Papo makes some like this too. Schleich goes for more historical, but they've got some fantasy as well, mostly elves and fairies.

  4. I have never even heard of this. How is that possible? What are these things?

  5. It's a line of figures, not from a movie or anything. Terra seems to make realistic animal toys like the Schliech and Papo brands you see in educational toy and hobby stores. But these brands often have fantasy lines too. Papo even has some not-space marines.


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