Less than an hour ago I didn't know what a Tulpa was, or that grown ass adults thought they could create concious...

Less than an hour ago I didn't know what a Tulpa was, or that grown ass adults thought they could create concious mental entities through thought alone.

Now I know that people "create" pony tulpas.


I blame matt greenfelder.


  1. You have all my apologies. Even the pony-shaped ones.

  2. They also mentally have sex with them. Again and again and again.

  3. People will sometimes tell you that you should be respectful of the beliefs of others.

    But what if those people believe that vaccines cause autism? That other ethnicities are socially inferior? Or that they can create living, conscious pony people that immediately want to have sex with them?

  4. The first 2 affect others. The third one is (one hopes) highly personal and private in practice, so I would not put it in the same league.

  5. So, then what you're saying is, you too have a sex pony? =)

  6. Oh man, I would have known all about this stuff if I was still an online skeptic warrior. But it's so much nicer to just feel quietly superior without arguing on the internet with people.

    And Juan Ochoa isn't it about time for another comic strip about weirdoes?

  7. No scripts!  :(
    No I've never had ethereal sex ponies, N. Phillip Cole.

  8. Like seriously I want to make clear that tulpas are a thing (it's complicated and they aren't necessarily a real thing but it doesn't matter) but they are not friendly sex ponies that share your skull with you.

  9. Thoughtform Egregore Tulpa Viral Servitor.

  10. Marshall Burns I skipped right over the buddhism stuff and went to the crazy.

  11. Also "tulpamancy" is not a goddamn word goddammit

  12. Casey Garske I'm fucking certain these people are just making shit up.

  13. Either that, or Shadowrun is about to come true.

  14. They can't all be trolls. Or maybe they can.

  15. Less trolls, more loneliness and shared storytelling, a collective fiction that they all want to be a part of.

  16. Ok that was mean but, seriously, none of this is a good idea.

  17. I admit, there is a part of me that wants to merge the idea of someone "imagining wrong," with game edition warring to create a school of thought.

    Wrongthink. Ibadination? Wrongthunk. Yesss...

  18. As usual, western new-agers get shit all wrong.  Tulpas are a real thing from tantrism, and there's an equivalent in western magick, but in both cases these are seen usually as not a good thing, unless you're a very advanced initiate who can control and direct these things to special tasks. And in ALL cases, be it in Tibet or in Medieval Spain, the one thing they consistently tell you is "under NO circumstances should you try to make FRIENDS with this thing that comes out of the shattered corners of your consciousness".

  19. I just read a thread called "Canon Pony Tupa."

  20. "Cannon Pony Tupac," could be solid gold awesome. That other thing, less so.

  21. The eternal "Do spirits/gods/demons exists or are they psychological constructs". It's a silly argument, to the practitioner, just theorizing for armchair mages.

  22. There's not really a functional difference, is there? The uses and dangers are real either way.

  23. Yes and no: there's an important side to that question if you're a practitioner (be it magical, tantric, or whatever).  In that if you start out with a preconception (be it "ALL spirits are real discarnate entities" or "ALL spirits are just aspects of my own psyche") can have a huge effect on how you address practice and lead to some potential pitfalls from cleaving to assumptions.
    That's why the best policy is always to start out without any of these theoretical assumptions, and not to 'fill in the blank' with jumping to conclusions based on assumptions in early experiences.


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