Monster Manual 5e Ret-Con

Monster Manual 5e Ret-Con
Kuo-toa are now insane former slaves of the illithids. Their collective insanity is that they create their own gods. Blibdoolpoolp was just a broken statue of a naked human woman until the kuo-toa glued giant lobster parts to it. They then made her real by worshipping it.

See, this is cool, but I’ve always imagined this is where the gods come from anyway. Worship creates them and makes them stronger. This is the  Fritz Leiber school of theology.


  1. That is pretty neat. We always used them as the secret power behind slavery, which is much less interesting.

  2. I'm just glad they are back to being super fishy. In 3rd and 4th they were sometimes written as more froggy. Kuo-toa are the true D&D deep ones, not those shark worshipping Sahaugin.

  3. i'm on rime isle in my personal reading right now. although i gotta admit i find leiber a bit of a chore to read. the same idea of an entity gaining strength through belief is sorta seen in our lady of darkness as well.

  4. Our Lady of Darkness is my favorite non-Lankhmar Leiber. Yeah, the monsters in that are I can't see you unless you can see me. Or maybe don't exist until you believe. Anyway, that's the most genuinely weird books I've ever read.

  5. That is exactly how I am handling things in my "Cultists" project.

  6. Is "tulpamancy" already a word? 

    EDIT: Of course it is.

  7. I am sorry to have ruined your blissful unaware state.

    The idea (tulpas) cropped up in my feed a while back and this seemed relate-able and... sorry.

    Fishmen! Weird gods! Adventure!

  8. Also reminds me of Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

  9. Also reminds me of the Philip Experiment (which would have been way more interesting if conducted by fishpeople, like everything else).


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