Spinosaurus nerdery continues. Was it a giant stork or on it's way to becoming a dino-whale?

Spinosaurus nerdery continues. Was it a giant stork or on it's way to becoming a dino-whale?
Either way, worthy of a #whenattractfishgoeswrong  .


  1. All these scientists should just watch Dinosaur Train. The Old Spinosaurus is in a couple episodes, and explains anything they'd want to know. =)

  2. We love Dinosaur Train in our house. And we love seeing Dr. Scott in other dino documentaries we find on Netflix.

  3. Casey Garske You know, I came up with a theory that the Dinosaur Train environment is a Slann asteroid connected by the train, and the "time tunnels" are portals connecting various points. I picture it as a processing crucible where the inscrutable toad lords are upgrading the acuity and intellect of the dinosaurs and related creatures, and the process is maybe 30% to where it needs to be before they custom-craft their saurian invasion force.

    Your mileage may vary.

  4. I don't know much about Slann, but that's basically what I came up with too. An alien ship crashed in the Cretaceous, its temporal energies mutating the dinosaurs across millions of years. But especially the troodons like the Conductor who then built the dinosaur train. The "time tunnel" passes through the engines of the spaceship and the train uses the energy to appear in the epoch of choice.

  5. Whales are too mammaly we need this picture to look more penguin with a huge crest or carnivorous duck. As a DM and an amateur artist, you have been challenged Casey Garske. #rollforinitiative


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