My drive to work was all like...

My drive to work was all like...


  1. Nice. Everyone on my commute was driving amazingly sane.

  2. That's good.  You never can tell if folks are going to forget how to drive in this stuff.

  3. it hadn't really hit here on my drive in. although the hill right before the turn that goes over a dam between 2 lakes was covered in ice from our last snowfall. that was fun. and it'll be even more fun on the drive home after several inches of snow are covering it. ;)

  4. I'm kinda jelly....I miss real winters.

  5. Live in the southeast where it's high desert and dumb (you can't build a nuclear research center in a nice place...thanks OBAMA). Instead of snow it's just grey, muddy, gross. Working from home, though, opens up relocation options to basically anywhere so we are exploring.

  6. Almost slid into a guard rail trying to turn right onto an on-ramp this morning. Was just a big patch of ice under the snow. Luckily I am not an idiot and was going slow enough I got within like a foot of it and was able to slowly reverse and catch some traction.

  7. Roads were still barely plowed this morning. My commute was just as slow.


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