No one would have noticed if I didn't come to work today. I guess I can ride out four hours though.

No one would have noticed if I didn't come to work today. I guess I can ride out four hours though.


  1. That episode of X Files is great; Scully "on vacation" and Mulder rudderless. She gets back and pencils are raining down from where he's been throwing them up at the drop ceiling. Heh.

  2. So it's time for paper-football field goals, right?

  3. Nah, brought my Nook, finishing a novel.

  4. 8:30...1/8 of the day is done. Argh.

  5. So your computer is on and email is open while you paint minis?

  6. I'm working from home. They managed to miss one of my computers in the break in so I'm able to work.

  7. I wish.  Replace Paint minis with wrangle children and you're pretty close.


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