And in an amazing recovery, Stephen Holowczyk leads three rank newbs, Noah Stevens, Humza K, and Chris Bloxham into...

And in an amazing recovery, Stephen Holowczyk leads three rank newbs, Noah Stevens, Humza K, and Chris Bloxham into the Weald with almost no supplies to take revenge on the Wizened Hag. Sister Holowczyk had no mercy and only dealt damage, not healing anyone during the fight. Miraculously, everyone made their Death's Door saves multiple times, Sir Noah at least four. Humzak the bounty hunter dealt a huge crit that turned the tide and the next round the Hag went down.


  1. Just got spanked big time by the witch...

  2. I thought this was doomed from the beginning. I was reduced to 600 gold. That was enough to buy four food and one shovel. No torches at all. I found four more food, so when I camped I just ate it all for the boost. They only ran into one obstacle, so that took care of the shovel. And they found four torches to bump up the light going into the fight against the hag.

  3. Next the Swine Prince.  I wont post any spoilers except be as prepared as you can be.

  4. Yeah, I freakin' hate those pigs. I'm tempted to send in a sacrificial c-squad to scout it out.

  5. I got the swine prince the other day.  he was not as deadly as the Hag.

  6. Tip courtesy of John Bowman:  Have an Occultist with Vulnerability Hex (marks target) then Bounty Hunter's first axe attack does double damage to marked targets.  Very useful vs big bosses.

  7. I would have tried that but my Occultist is dead. I hope another one shows up soon.

  8. the bounty hunter can mark himself too

  9. Yeah, but that kinda sucks to take a turn to do it.

  10. true, it works nicely when the occultist can go before the bounty hunter

  11. Well I beat the 3rd level Hag.  But I lost a 3rd level Highwayman and my 4th level cleric - ouch!

  12. Ive found you almost have to go into the Hag fight knowing your gonna loose someone, even plan for it.  If its not one of your best guys then leave him in the pot and focus the hag.  Only one person can be in the pot at a time.

  13. all true.  I knew I'd lose someone.  if my BH didn't miss the 2nd to last round of the fight my 4th level Vestal would still be alive!  too bad so sad.


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