Divers recover ancient treasure, get nothing.

Divers recover ancient treasure, get nothing.
The find was “so valuable that its priceless,” spokeswoman Yoli Schwartz told AFP, adding the haul was now the property of the state, and that there was no finder’s fee.

I hope their DM at least ruled they got XP for the gold recovered and were able to level up.


  1. Okay, we've all had fun here, but in all seriousness, they should have told no one and proceeded to off each other one by one in a A Simple Plan-type scenario.

  2. Yes... the reason people are awarded "finder's fees" for the discovery of antiquities like this is not because they deserve it for finding them but as a "thanks for turning these in instead of pocketing them and then selling them on the black market"... Israel is setting an unfavourable precedent for anyone else who happens to find treasure within their borders and wonders if they should report it.


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