Holy shitballs, the fucking Wizened Hag.

Holy shitballs, the fucking Wizened Hag.
Calib Kerensky Mike McCarthy James LaManna and Derek Pennycuff you were all boiled and eaten.


  1. A boss enemy that actually boils your characters in soup during the fight. This game is the best game.

  2. I lost my 5th level occultist and 5th level graverobber to the Swine God earlier today :(

  3. I heard you basically have to have every debuff possible on her during the fight.

  4. You also need to be able to high damage to the back two ranks. I don't know if you can move her.

  5. I had a bunch of characters with the ability to hit the back row hard. So many of the front heavy hitters end up just whacking on the cauldron, which you only need to hit in order to get a person out. I got a lucky combo of folks who could do heavy back-row damage.

  6. I don't think you can move her.  I got schooled by the first Hag, until I came at her with a Hellion, Crusader with Holy Lance, Bounty Hunter, and Occultist.

  7. Keith Hoovestol your character, Sir Hoov, is 3rd level and refused to fight the hag. He said it was below him.


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