Ian Williams​ hey man, that thing about Alex Marcis took me by surprise.

Ian Williams​ hey man, that thing about Alex Marcis took me by surprise. I've never been to the Escapist website and had no idea what his day job was. I just knew I really liked ACKS and he delivered on Dwimmermount when that looked dead. I also don't visit twitter, so I guess I'm out of the loop. Anywhere to look for more context? This is pretty sucky. When Zak S posted about not working with Escapist anymore he didn't name anyone besides that one guy.


  1. It's definitely a Macris setting the tone. He went on an extended, unhinged rant about cultural Marxists infiltrating society back during the height of GG in September or so. But he very much sees himself as head of an army during a clash of civilizations.

  2. This sounds like a libertarian thing. :/

    So weird because Tavis Alison was also an ACKS guy, and he seems quite progressive. But I know they've had changes within Autarch publishing too. I wonder if that's related.

    Anyway, I'm bummed.

  3. It's a total bummer! ACKS is a good game. And I'm not about telling people what to buy. There is no ethical consumption and we all have to consume. But info's good. Macris is a major league creep. Eyes open.

  4. I've been getting gamer ADD where my ACKS campaign was concerned anyway. Maybe time to playtest some of this other stuff I've been writing.


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