I’m posting a link to this again.

I’m posting a link to this again. It’s a bit fiddly, but the output is totally worth it. Last night I made a map that turned out professional looking enough to use in a published product.

1. Use Firefox
2. Screen does not scroll, so if you have a tall dungeon, turn it sideways 
3. Start in the upper left corner of your dungeon, the map expands down and to the right as you go
4. Take the svg file it gives you and convert that to a png
5. Use Photoshop/Gimp/whatever to erase what you don’t need
6. Crop/edit and you’re done

This link below will take you to a demon skull map I just made.

Link to blank map:


  1. 3a. Correct your mistakes as you go. There's no eraser, just undo and redo.
    3b. Do not put walls where you plan to put secret or concealed doors.Putting doors and gates on top of walls looks fine.

  2. If you click and drag on a blank space it does erase.

  3. Yes, the floor will erase, but nothing else. Should have been clearer.

  4. Oh! I hadn't poked at it long enough to run into that. Lame.

  5. I think I found it, if you switch to Wall mode and then hit x you can erase anything.

  6. That would have made things easier last night!

  7. Alex Schroeder now that I've sorta got this down the only feature I'll request is an altar icon.


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