Sign up for madness and death

Sign up for madness and death
I’m renaming my Darkest Dungeon characters after fiends friends. If you’d like your name added to the roster, sign up below. There’s no visual customization, so I can’t show a cool XCOMish character, but if anyone develops interesting mental quirks or diseases and needs to spend some time in the sanitarium to sort them out OR dies a horrible death, I will report it.

I named my hellion after my wife. I told her her character was spending some time drinking in the tavern to regain her sanity. She thought that sounded accurate.


  1. Put me in there if you feel like it.

  2. I'll see what I can do, Noah Stevens.

    My main Highwayman has the Yips. I need to get that sorted out. But he's named after Mike McCarthy.

  3. If you want a character that is guaranteed to roll 1s, I'm your guy.

  4. I already named a newb Bounty Hunter after you, Barry Lovseth. He didn't die on his first expedition, but he also couldn't hit for shit. So he's accurate so far.

  5. I'd love to hear how Bryan Mullins fares...and when he dies...I'll be happy to provide another name!

  6. I think this is even better than naming characters on Oregon Trail. For a while I was using people I knew as soldier names in X Com. In a later game, I used celebrities. My wife has a game where they are named after the X Men. =)

  7. A few people will be on the waiting list so far, but that's okay. I've unlocked two boss-fights that I have yet to do, so I see spots opening up soon.

  8. Oh wait, I scrolled up and saw that I already exist. Cool.

  9. I ought to observe this idea for my next lot of funnel characters...

  10. Oooo, count me in. Do me, do me good.

  11. I'm in if you need to name some Lepers or Occultists.


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