Stupid Ability Score Thoughts

Stupid Ability Score Thoughts
I really like narrowing the classic six stats down to three. Into the Odd does Str, Dex, and Will. Owl Hoot Trail does Grit, Draw, and Wits. My own 2-Page Space does Body, Coordination, and Mind. Numenera has three stats too.

Riders of the Purple Lotus doesn’t need all six stats either. I’ve been thinking about:
Sand – combination of physical and mental toughness. A little guy fighting through pain is the same as a big guy shrugging something off because he’s tough.
Reflexes – I’d like a more flavorful word than Dexterity or Reflexes, but whatever.
Savvy – Intelligence and personality.


  1. Another s-word in place of reflexes would be nice. Sensibility? Not quite.

    Supple? Swift? Spry?

    Sprightliness? Nah.

    Savvy? Sly? Smooth?

  2. Sand, Speed, Savvy
    (alternately Sand, Spring, Sass)
    Brawn, Bound, Brains
    Grit, Guts, Gumption

  3. I hadn't thought about alliteration...

  4. I wanted to also come up with an alliteration using Moxie as one of the categories, but there's not that many M words that can apply.

  5. Agreed. Ms are tough. Misspent Youth had some terrible stats at one point because I wanted alliteration too bad. But then that became Means, Motive, and Opportunity, so that worked out for the best.


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